I am an NHS GP with a special interest in Women’s health. I have been accredited in the past by Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group as a GPSI (GP with a special interest) in Gynaecology. I am accredited as a ‘Menopause Specialist’ by the British Menopause Society. I qualified from Charing Cross & Westminster medical school in 1987 moving to Brighton in 1989. I worked at the Royal Sussex County and the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital before moving to General Practice.
I was an NHS GP partner at Portslade Health Centre since 1992 where I ran a well woman clinic for many years and this interest has carried over to my Bio-identical hormone practice. From December 2010 – October 2014 I was one of three GPs across Brighton & Hove delivering a community Gynaecology service. Since Jan 2024 I am semi-retired and am no longer a GP partner, I now work as a salaried GP for the practice, primarily during school holidays.
I have worked in the past as a GP Appraiser and served on the Professional Executive Committee of Brighton & Hove City PCT, I have also acted in the past as a medical advisor for the Kent & Sussex ME Society. I trained in Homeopathy at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital however I am no longer offering this practice.
During 2006/7 I studied with The Nutritional Healing Foundation and obtained their diploma in Nutritional Healing. I integrate nutritional therapy and naturopathic techniques into my practice where appropriate.
I trained in the use of Bio-identical hormone therapy during 2010 and it is now the main area of my private practice. I gain professional support and supervision in this area through a peer support group based in London. I am involved in delivering lectures, training and supervising other clinicians in the field of BHRT.
In July 2024 I joined The Womens Hormone Clinic see thewomenshormoneclinic.co.uk/about-us/
My clinical list is pretty full so I don’t have capacity to see many new patients, however my colleagues at the clinic are accepting new patients and they work in a very similar manor to myself.